A few tips for Matcha beginners

A few tips for Matcha beginners

Thinking about diving into the world of matcha? A starter kit and these 3 pro tips are your best bet to begin this journey.

What's in a Good Matcha Starter Kit?

  • Chawan (Tea Bowl): A wide, comfortable bowl for whisking and sipping your matcha.
  • Chasen (Bamboo Whisk): Essential for achieving that smooth, frothy texture.
  • Chashaku (Bamboo Scoop): Helps measure the perfect amount of matcha powder.

Pro Tips for Preparing Matcha

  • Sift the Matcha: Removes clumps for a smoother brew.
  • Water Temperature: Use hot, but not boiling water (70-80°C is ideal).
  • Whisking Technique: Whisk in an "M" shape to create a creamy texture.

Ready to start your matcha adventure? 

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